
  • 论文全文 - 《内燃机学报》 2020年
    对比反应温度对大孔Cu/beta 和新型小孔Cu/SSZ-13 催化剂新鲜和老化样的平均反应速率、NOx 转化率、NH3存储量和NH3泄漏的影响;分析了NH3存储、释放过程以及NH3存储量与瞬时NOx转化率的关系;研究了Cu/SSZ-13 在空速为3×104 h-1和5×104 h-1下NH3存储特性.结果表明:温度对催化还原反应速率影响显著,空速影响次之;温度升高,两种催化剂平均反应速率升高.两种Cu 基催化剂显示出相似的NH3 存储、释放过程.随着温度升高或者空速增加,催化剂的饱和NH3 存储量变小、饱和NH3 存储时间变短;标称NOx 转化率随着温度的增加而增加,随着空速增加而降低.低温下瞬时NOx 转化率随着NH3 存储量的增加而增加;300℃时NH3存储量对NOx转化率影响减小.两种催化剂中Cu/SSZ-13对NH3存储量依赖度更低,且水热稳定性能更优.
  • 论文全文 - 《内燃机学报》 2020年
    基于Matlab/Simulink 建立了压电执行器非线性数学模型来描述执行器的电-机转换过程,在试验的基础上对压电材料的压电常数和电容进行了温度修正,并耦合喷油器其他机-液部分,建立了完整的压电喷油器电-机-液模型,经试验验证,执行器数学模型误差为4.6%,喷油器模型误差为7.8%.分析了不同工作温度下压电喷油器喷射特性和各腔室压力波动特性,结果表明:工作温度的升高使得执行器输出位移增加了24.6%,球阀腔泄油后最低压力降低,各腔室压力建立过程后移,针阀升程增加,关闭时刻推迟;在喷油脉宽为0.1 ms 时温度的影响更加明显,温度升高至150℃时,相比于30℃,油量偏差率最高至70%,喷油速率峰值增加了约24%,最高喷射压力提高了9MPa,喷油持续期增加了0.06 ms;脉宽较大(ET=1.0 ms)时,开启阶段喷油速率、最高喷射压力和喷油速率峰值影响不大,但喷油关闭时刻推迟了0.11 ms左右.
  • 论文全文 - 《内燃机学报》 2020年
    天然气缸内直喷是当前的热点技术之一,研究其射流特性及射流卷吸规律对优化直喷天然气发动机有重要意义.建立了三维模型,开展了高压甲烷气体在圆形单喷孔中的射流特性三维仿真研究,并结合质量流量和贯穿距离试验结果验证了模型;研究了入口压力为5、10 和20 MPa、背压为2MPa 时喷嘴内流动以及气体射流的变化规律.结果表明:喷嘴出口处射流速度达到音速时,出现速度雍塞;根据气体射流平均速度发展趋势,喷嘴外气体射流可分为两个区域:喷嘴近端区域,气体离开喷嘴迅速膨胀,形成马赫盘,导致该区域气体射流速度迅速下降;喷嘴远端区域,马赫盘消失,气体膨胀作用较小,气体射流速度趋于平缓;在近喷嘴端区域,射流天然气对背景气体的卷吸能力较强,气体射流区域的质量流量增加率较大,而在喷嘴远端区域,卷吸能力减弱,射流区域的质量流量变化不大.因而可知高压甲烷射流特性及其对背景气体的卷吸影响作用有助于研究直喷天然气缸内混合过程.
  • 论文全文 - 《内燃机学报》 2020年
    采用在压缩行程上止点前向燃烧室内直接喷入一定量机油液滴,模拟了悬浮在燃烧室内的机油液滴引燃可燃混合气诱发低速早燃(LSPI)现象的过程.试验验证了选用的计算模型及计算方法的可行性后,数值模拟了不同低速运转条件下、不同乙醇掺混比(体积分数)的乙醇-汽油混合燃料时,小缸径增压直喷发动机燃烧室内由机油液滴引发的低速早燃现象以及后续的超级爆震过程.结果表明:乙醇掺混比分别为10%和20%(E10、E20)时,发动机缸内依次发生了超级爆震燃烧;当乙醇掺混比为30%(E30)时,即使发生了早燃现象(1 200 r/min)并导致随后的爆震燃烧,但压力升高幅度明显降低,此时没有发生超级爆震燃烧;随着发动机转速提高(1 600 r/min),使用E30 燃料时发动机缸内也仅发生了早燃现象,而没有发生爆震燃烧;当乙醇掺混比高于50%(E50)后,不同工况条件下发动机缸内已经没有低速早燃现象.使用乙醇-汽油混合燃料的小缸径增压直喷发动机在超级爆震发生前一定有低速早燃现象发生,但低速早燃现象不一定导致超级爆震过程.
  • 论文全文 - 《内燃机学报》 2020年
    在雾化激波管中利用反射激波研究了乙醇汽油/空气混合气在高温、低压条件下的自着火特性.测量了混合气在温度为1 100~1 750 K、压力为0.10~0.65 MPa 条件下,燃空当量比为0.2~2.5 时的着火延迟期、着火壁面压力及OH 基自发光强度,分析了当量比、着火温度及压力对混合气自着火特性的影响.结果表明:乙醇汽油/空气混合气的着火延迟期在高温条件下随当量比的增大而延长,不同压力下着火延迟期的对数与着火温度的倒数均呈线性分布,满足Arrhenius 关系,并且在低压范围内着火延迟期对压力的依赖性较高;混合气在当量比为1.0、着火温度为1 300~1 430 K 时发生剧烈爆燃,此时OH 基自发光强瞬间达到峰值后急剧下降,而温度升高后,OH基自发光维持较高强度的时间增长,爆燃压力峰值降低,接近等压燃烧.
  • 论文全文 - 《内燃机工程》 2020年
  • 论文全文 - 《内燃机工程》 2020年
  • 论文全文 - 《内燃机工程》 2020年
    采用激光诱导荧光(laser induced fluorescence,LIF)法测量缸内直喷喷油器喷雾附壁油膜的厚度分布,研究了附壁油膜质量和平均厚度随不同的壁面温度和喷射策略的变化。结果表明:常温壁面下油膜呈"波浪状",热壁面下油膜的边缘轮廓呈"带状"凸起,在壁面温度为413K时,还出现了聚集的小液滴。保持总喷油量不变,随着壁面温度的增大,单次喷射的附壁油膜质量逐渐减小,二次喷射的附壁油膜质量先减小后增大,单/二次喷射的附壁油膜平均厚度都逐渐增大;相对于单次喷射,相同热壁面温度下的二次喷射附壁油膜平均厚度都较小,在壁面温度同为413K时最多减小了42%。仅增加第二次喷射的喷油脉宽,壁面温度为298K和373K时的附壁油膜质量先增大后减小,壁面温度为413K时附壁油膜质量逐渐增大;相同喷油脉宽下,壁面温度为413K时附壁油膜平均厚度最大,而壁面温度为298K和373K时附壁油膜平均厚度与喷油间隔相关。 The laser induced fluorescence(LIF) technique was used to investigate the thickness distribution of the fuel film of gasoline direct injection spray, and the variation of fuel film mass and mean fuel film thickness with different injection strategies and at different surface temperatures were studied. The results showed that fuel film at normal surface temperature was “wave-like”, while the edge of fuel film at the heated surface temperature was “stripe-like” and there were also some small droplets gathering at 413K. Keeping the total fuel injection amount constant, with the increase of the surface temperature, the fuel film mass of single injection decreased gradually, and that of two-stage injection decreased first and then increased, but the mean fuel film thickness became great with either single or two-stage injection strategy. Compared with the single injection, the mean fuel film thickness in the two-stage injection was smaller at the same heated surface temperature, and the maximum reduction was 42% at the same surface temperature of 413K. Just changing the second injection duration, with the increase of the second injection duration, the fuel film mass increased first and then decreased when the surface temperature was 298K and 373K, and the fuel film mass at the surface temperature of 413K increased gradually. Just changing the second injection duration and keeping the same second injection duration at different surface temperatures, the mean fuel film thickness at the surface temperature of 413K was the largest at each injection interval, and the mean fuel film thicknesses at the surface temperatures of 298K and 373K were subject to the injection interval.
  • 论文全文 - 《内燃机工程》 2020年
    使用定容燃烧弹模拟一款重型柴油机在海拔0m、3 000m和4 500m条件下运行时缸内的热力学状态,利用多种成像技术实现了撞壁燃烧过程的可视化,研究了不同海拔对撞壁喷雾燃烧的高温着火、火焰传播和碳烟生成特性的影响。结果表明,海拔从0m升高到4 500m,撞壁着火延迟从0.55ms延长到0.88ms,撞壁着火距离从20.38mm增大到26.87mm,高海拔对撞壁着火过程有明显的抑制效果;撞壁火焰呈现圆盘状火焰形态,火焰发展进入稳定阶段后,由于前锋区域的涡流强度增大,撞壁火焰铺展高度、撞壁火焰铺展宽度和撞壁火焰面积都随海拔升高而增大,但在火焰发展初期,由于撞壁平板的冷却作用,撞壁火焰尺寸在海拔升高到4 500m时减小;空间积分火焰亮度和时间积分火焰亮度均随海拔升高而增大,海拔升高到4 500m时碳烟生成速率和氧化速率均增大。 A constant-volume combustion bomb was used to simulate the thermodynamic states of a heavy-duty diesel engine when operating at altitudes of 0m, 3000m and 4500m, respectively. Based on the use of multiple imaging technologies to visualize the spray wall impingement combustion process, the effect of different altitudes on high temperature ignition, flame propagation, and soot formation characteristics of spray wall impingement combustion were studied. Results showed that as altitude increased from 0m to 4500m, the ignition delay during the spray wall impingements extended from 0.55ms to 0.88ms, and the ignition distance increased from 20.38mm to 26.87mm, indicating that high altitude had a significant suppression effect on ignition process. At this time, the burning flame assumed a disk-like shape. When the flame development entered a quasi-steady stage, the height, width and area of flame expansion rose with altitudes due to the increase of vortex intensity in flame front area. However, at the early stage of flame development, the flame size began to decrease after altitude reaches 4500m due to the cooling effect of spray impinged surface. In addition, the space-integrated flame luminosity and time-integrated luminosity rose with increased altitude, and both of soot formation and oxidation rate would increase accordingly when altitude rises to 4500m.
  • 论文全文 - 《内燃机工程》 2020年
    采用流体仿真软件CONVERGE开展了基于双直喷策略的低负荷工况下二代生物柴油/汽油活性控制压燃(reactivity controlled compression ignition,RCCI)燃烧模式的数值模拟研究,对比了常规进气道喷射汽油RCCI和双直喷RCCI的燃烧特性,并探讨了双燃料喷射时刻对双直喷RCCI燃烧的影响。结果表明:相比常规进气道喷射汽油RCCI,双直喷RCCI能够有效控制缸内汽油混合气分布,改善不完全燃烧现象;随着汽油直喷时刻的推迟,分层燃烧减弱,燃烧持续期缩短,燃烧效率降低,热效率先减小再增大后又减小,NO_x排放减少而碳烟排放增加;随着二代生物柴油喷射时刻的推迟,分层燃烧加剧,燃烧持续期延长,燃烧效率升高,热效率先增大而后减小,NO_x排放增加而碳烟排放减少。 Numerical simulation of second generation biodiesel/gasoline reactivity controlled compression ignition(RCCI) combustion mode with dual-direct injection strategy at low loads was carried out based on the fluid simulation software CONVERGE. The combustion characteristics of RCCI with dual-direct injection and RCCI with conventional intake port injection were compared, and the effect of dual fuel injection timings on combustion was discussed. The results show that compared with the conventional intake port gasoline injection RCCI, the dual-direct injection RCCI can effectively control the distribution of in-cylinder gasoline mixture and reduceincomplete combustion. With the delay of start of injection(SOI) of gasoline, stratified combustion weakens, combustion duration shortens, combustion efficiency is reduced, indicated thermal efficiency declines first and then increases and finally decreases again, NOx emissions is reduced and soot emissions increases. With the delay of SOI of the second generation biodiesel, stratified combustion intensifies, combustion duration is prolonged, combustion efficiency increases, indicated thermal efficiency increases first and then decreases, NOx emissions rise and soot emissions fall.