男, 深圳北理莫斯科大学, 副研究员
2019年博士毕业于上海交通大学 动力工程及工程热物理 专业;
氢基(Hydrogen-)燃料电池热管理; 氨基(Ammonia-)化学吸附式热利用; 热管式高效传热与低品位余热利用;
长期从事氢基(Hydrogen-)燃料电池热管理,氨基(Ammonia-)化学吸附式热利用等能源-材料-化学的应用基础研究。研究成果发表在Trends in Chem., Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., eTrans, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., Energy Convers. Manag.等国际权威期刊和会议。担任期刊eScience和Nano Materials Science的青年编委以及RSER, APEN, eTrans, ENB, IJEPES, IJHE, GER, IEEE-ECCE, IEEE-ITEC等十余种国际期刊/会议的审稿专家。作为主要成员参与NSFC杰青、面上,科技部重点研发计划、国合计划等项目。是中国能源研究会(燃料电池专委会)会员、中国可再生能源学会(氢能专委会)会员、中国化工学会专业会员、中国电工技术学会高级会员、国际氢能协会IAHE会员等。是中国科协“科创中国”科技服务团认证专家、认证技术经理人;广东省科技厅、深圳市科创委在库专家,深圳国家高新技术产业创新中心专家库成员,深圳市龙华区双碳产业专家库正式专家。
[1]Y. Yu, M. Chen, H.J. Wang, et al. Thermal management system for liquid-cooling PEMFC stack: From primary configuration to system control strategy [J]. eTransportation. 2022, 12, 100165.
[2]S. Zaman, M. Wang, H.J. Liu, F.M. Sun, Y. Yu, et al. Carbon-based catalyst supports for oxygen reduction in proton-exchange membrane fuel cells. Trends in Chemistry. DOI: 10.1016/j.trechm.2022.07.007.
[3]S. Xing, C. Zhao, Y. Yu, et al. Recent advances in heat and water management of forced-convection open-cathode proton exchange membrane fuel cells [J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2022, 112558.
[4]Y. Yu, Q.W. Pan, L.W. Wang. A small-scale silica gel-water adsorption system for domestic air conditioning and water heating by the recovery of solar energy [J]. Frontiers in Energy. 2020, 14: 328-336.
[5]Y. Yu, G.L. An, L.W. Wang*. Major applications of heat pipe and its advances coupled with sorption system: a review [J]. Frontiers in Energy. 2019, 13: 172-184.
[6]Y. Yu, L.W. Wang*. Solid sorption heat pipe coupled with direct air cooling technology for thermal control of rack level in internet data centers: Design and numerical simulation [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, 145, 118714.
[7]Z.X. Wang, L.W. Wang, P. Gao, Y. Yu, R.Z. Wang. Analysis of composite sorbents for ammonia storage to eliminate NOx emission at low temperatures. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 128: 1382-1390.
[8]Y. Yu, L.W. Wang, G.L. An. Experimental study on sorption and heat transfer performance of NaBr-NH3 for solid sorption heat pipe [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 117: 125-131.
[9]Gao, Peng, Wang, Liwei, Wang, Ruzhu, Yu, Yang. Simulation and experiments on a solid sorption combined cooling and power system driven by the exhaust waste heat. Frontiers in Energy, 2017. 11(4): p. 516-526.
[10]Y. Yu, L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, et al. The feasibility of solid sorption heat pipe for heat transfer [J]. Energy Conversion and Management. 2017, 138: 148-155.