
以正丁醇作为助溶剂,形成柴油-甲醇-正丁醇混合燃料,并将混合燃料在单缸四冲程柴油机上进行试验研究,探究混合燃料对柴油机排放特性的影响。试验所用的混合燃料中醇类的体积比为5.09%、9.82%、14.66%和19.35%,其中甲醇在混合燃料中所占体积比为2.51%、5.01%、7.53%和10.08%,正丁醇在混合燃料中所占体积比为2.67%、4.81%、7.13%和9.27%。研究表明:燃用混合燃料柴油机有效燃油消耗率、热效率分别增加0.18%~4.08%和0.28%~3.54%;输出功率、输出转矩分别下降0.75%~11.37%和1.42%~25.03%;CO、NO、NOx等常规气体排放、PM2.5排放分别下降2.76%~45.15%、3.55%~29.21%和3.55%~20.03%;但柴油中添加醇类燃料会导致甲醛、乙醛及挥发性有机化合物等非常规排放分别上升2.78%~60.53%、5.15%~63.81%和3.75%~45.49%;柴油机燃用混合燃料PM2.5排放降低7.09%~48.94%。综上所述,柴油机燃用柴. The effect of diesel/methanol/n-butanol blend fuels on emission performance was studied with a single-cylinder 4-stroke diesel engine. The volume ratio of alcohol in the blend fuels was 5.09%, 9.82%, 14.66%, and 19.35%, and the volume ratio of n butanol was 2.67%, 4.81%, 7.13% and 9.27%, respectively. The results of the experiments indicate that the use of blend fuels will improve the fuel consumption and thermal efficiency by 0.18% to 4.08% and 0.28% to 3.54% coupled to the reduction of output power and torque by 0.75% to 11.37% and 1.42% to 25.03% and hence CO, NO, NOx and PM2.5 emissions by 2.76% to 45.15%, 3.55% to 29.21%, 3.55% to 20.03% and 7.09% to 48.94%, but the addition of alcohol fuels to diesel will cause formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and volatile organic compounds to increase by 2.78% to 60.53%, 5.15% to 63.81% and 3.75% to 45.49%, respectively. In summary, use of blend fuels of diesel and alcohol allows to mitigate PM2.5 emissions while reducing NOx emissions.
